A new bobcat sculpture, Local Habitat, from New York-based artist Matthew Mazzotta now greets students on top of the entrance to Cibolo Hall at Texas State University.
The sculpture depicts a sleeping bobcat, referencing a playful rendition of TXST’s mascot to show that many animals inhabit urban, domestic spaces and to remind people of our shared homes and experiences.
“In this larger-than-life installation, the bobcat is inhabiting the built environment like its own home with a relaxed gentle posture showing a restful dimension of its character,” Mazzotta said. “During COVID-19, when fewer people were traveling the streets and sidewalks, the headlines were quick to pick up on local wildlife coming back and reinhabiting urban spaces; a phenomenon that intrigued many and led to larger discussions about our shared planet. Local Habitat plays out this scenario of animals inhabiting domestic spaces, creating a wondrous scene for the new housing on campus.”