TXST’s Career Services opens professional headshot photo booth for students, staff, faculty, and alumni
Lane Fortenberry | April 18, 2024

Texas State University’s Career Services recently acquired Iris, a self-service photo booth equipped to take free, high-quality professional headshots that are sent to an email address.
Iris is now available to all students, staff, faculty, and alumni to use in the LBJ Student Center Career Services suite (5-7.1) from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday. No appointment is necessary to use Iris as it operates as a drop-in service.
The change from standard appointment-based headshots comes as a way to accommodate more people with a timely, convenient, and self-service solution.
While exclusive use of Iris for group headshots can’t be guaranteed to prioritize drop-in users, staff-assisted blocks of time for groups can be requested through this form. A staff member will reach out with more information.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on March 29 to celebrate the opening of the photo booth and to thank the Division of Marketing and Communications, H-E-B Careers, and Information Technology teams for making Iris possible.
For more information about Iris and tips for preparing for a headshot, visit the Career Services website.
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