Important Bobcat Trace Changes
Dr. Emilio Carranco, Chief Medical Officer | January 28, 2022
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,
I want to share important changes in Bobcat Trace and contact tracing which will become effective January 31, 2022. The Bobcat Trace reporting tool was developed to provide an online portal for reporting a positive case, identifying close contacts, and receiving important information about isolation and quarantine periods. To improve timeliness of communication and to accommodate a higher number of reports, Bobcat Trace has been completely automated to provide immediate e-mail notices to positive and close contact cases. While the automated system will capture all the information necessary to determine appropriate isolation and quarantine protocols, contact tracers will be available to respond to questions.
Faculty will continue to receive a Bobcat Trace notice whenever a student enrolled in one of their courses has submitted a positive case report. The notice will include a link to the Bobcat Trace Faculty Portal where they will be able to identify close contacts in the classroom and submit their names to Bobcat Trace.
Supervisors will continue to receive a Bobcat Trace notice whenever an employee has submitted a positive case report. The appropriate return to work date for the employee will be provided and identified close contacts will be notified.
Contact tracers will be part of an enhanced surveillance system that is monitoring case reports in classes, departments, and residence halls to determine if any notices or further actions are warranted.
Faculty and supervisors with questions about how to manage a COVID-19 situation may submit such questions through Faculty/Supervisor Questions.
Dr. Emilio Carranco
Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Director, Student Health Center