New Bobcat Trace Notification Emails
Dr. Emilio Carranco, Chief Medical Officer | August 31, 2021
Dear Bobcats,
Due to the current COVID-19 surge caused by the Delta variant, Texas State University is adjusting Bobcat Trace protocols and communication to provide timely notification about potential COVID-19 exposure. Beginning August 31, when an individual enrolled in a Texas State course reports a positive COVID-19 test, a notification email will be sent to the instructor of record and all students enrolled in the class section. This notice allows the email recipients to take immediate steps to stay safe and healthy and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
How is this different from the current Bobcat Trace notification?
The email is for notification purposes only and does not require recipients to isolate or quarantine at this time. Individuals receiving the email are asked to:
- Self-monitor for symptoms
- Wear a face mask for 14 days
- Stay home and get tested upon the development of any symptoms of COVID-19
- Report to Bobcat Trace if a positive test is received.
Contact tracing is critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19. All students, faculty, and staff who test positive for COVID-19 or are identified as a close contact and have not already received a notification should report in Bobcat Trace. This is a secure web application that will help our contact tracing efforts and help us monitor the incidence of COVID-19 on our campuses. Finding the close contacts of a positive case as soon as possible can prevent them from infecting others.
Texas State will continue to be flexible and responsive to the constantly evolving COVID-19 situation. Offering this extra level of notification gives our university community members another tool to keep themselves and each other healthy. For the latest information on the COVID-19 situation, join us for a virtual town hall for the Texas State community on September 1, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
COVID-19 is proving to be a marathon. Now, perhaps more than ever, it is critical that we all stay vigilant in taking the precautions shown to help keep us safe. We urge you to: mask up, get vaccinated, get tested often, stay home if you are sick, and report to Bobcat Trace.
Take care and stay well,
Dr. Emilio Carranco
Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs
Director, Student Health Center