Important Update to Fall 2020 Fee Structure

Eric Algoe, Vice President for Finance and Support Services | July 31, 2020

Recognizing the financial difficulties the COVID-19 pandemic has created for many of our students, Texas State has revised our fee structure for online and hybrid classes to more closely mirror fees the student would have incurred had some face-to-face classes not moved to online or hybrid delivery for the fall 2020 semester. The change is as follows:

  • If a student has at least one face-to-face class, the $50 per-credit-hour electronic course fee will not be charged. Students will still be responsible to pay other fees normally charged when registered for a face-to-face class. The on-campus fees allow the University to continue to serve our students.
  • If a student is only taking online/hybrid courses, $342 in on-campus fees will be waived and an electronic course fee of $50 per semester credit hour (SCH) will be charged. The electronic course fee provides funding for the development and maintenance of courses delivered online and has been in place for more than 15 years.
  • If a student’s online/hybrid course includes a lab, the lab fees will not be assessed.

Texas State leadership recognizes the hardships our Bobcat Community is experiencing because of COVID-19. This change provides more than $7 million in financial relief for our students. As the COVID-19 situation evolves, we will continue to support students while prioritizing health and safety. Please visit the university Roadmap to Return for more information.

Please direct questions about your student account to or 512-245-2544.