AIDS/HIV awareness activist Richard Zaldivar to present lecture

By Carl Clark
Office of Media Relations
November 24, 2015

Richard Zaldivar
Richard Zaldivar

Texas State University will host AIDS/HIV awareness activist Richard Zaldivar on December 1 in observance of World AIDS Day.

Zaldivar will present a lecture, “Dreams, Voices, Power: A Conversation on HIV in the Latino Community,” at 7 p.m. in Centennial Hall, room 157. The event is free and open to the public.

Free HIV testing will also be offered 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in LBJ Student Center room 3-7.1. All of the day’s events are free and open to the public.

Zaldivar is the founder and executive director of Wall Las Memorias Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving Latino, LGBT and other under-served populations through education and advocacy of positive sexual health.

The day’s events are coordinated with the Bienestar Coalition, also known as PartySafe. The group brings people together in the Texas State and San Marcos community to create awareness of alcohol and sexually-related risk behaviors.

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