Criminal Justice professor named to federal advisory board

Posted by Jayme Blaschke
University News Service
December 16, 2010

Joycelyn Pollock, a professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Texas State University-San Marcos, has been named by Attorney General Eric Holder to the newly created Office of Justice Programs (OJP) Science Advisory Board.

Laurie O. Robinson, OJP's Assistant Attorney General, recommended the creation of the advisory board as a means of bridging the divide between research and practice in criminal justice fields. The first meeting of the board will take place early in 2011.

"I am honored to be named as a member of the OJP Science Advisory Board and look forward to the experience," said Pollock.

Pollock began her career in criminal justice as a probation and parole officer in the state of Washington. Her primary research areas include prisons, women in the system (as professionals, offenders and victims) and legal topics.

"This Administration is committed to using science to help inform and guide policy development. By providing advice and counsel to the Department of Justice, the members of this advisory board will help us focus on evidence-based approaches to prevent and reduce crime," said Attorney General Holder.

In Fiscal Year 2010, OJP, which administers grants on behalf of the Department, awarded nearly 5,000 grants totaling $2.6 billion to the criminal and juvenile justice field, including federal, state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies, and community organizations. The funding supports a wide range of activities, including research and evaluation programs designed to encourage innovative programs to prevent and control crime, assist victims, and increase the capacity of state, local and tribal law enforcement agencies.

"I look forward to working with this advisory board to ensure that OJP's research is scientifically rigorous and that it is translated effectively for policymakers and practitioners in the criminal and juvenile justice fields," said Assistant Attorney General Robinson.

The advisory board will provide an extra-agency review of and recommendations for OJP research, statistics, and grant programs, ensuring the programs and activities are scientifically sound and pertinent to policymakers and practitioners.

More information about OJP can be found at